At long last we can present our brand new website in English. Our sincere thanks go to those who have contributed to the translation and construction of these pages.

We hope you will enjoy making us a virtual visit. Please support this little venture in the Pope’s home country. Without his help – while still a cardinal – we would not be here; neither canonically, nor in our beautiful church and house.

So be with the Pope and help us – first and foremost by your prayer. Link your blog or website to ours. And, as we represent a new brand of the Catholic Church in Germany – poor and without the means of Church tax – we welcome any sort of financial contribution as a token of your support.

By the intercession of Our Lady and St. Philip may God bless you all!

Das Institut baut auf Ihre Spende

  • Ihre Spende per Überweisung:

    Freundeskreis St. Philipp Neri e.V.
    Bank für Sozialwirtschaft
    Kontonummer: 0001202100
    Bankleitzahl: 37020500
    IBAN: DE57370205000001202100

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    über unser Spendenformular bei der Bank für Sozialwirtschaft:

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