![SALVE! SALVE!](propst_salve.jpg)
... and welcome to the Institute of St Philip Neri in Berlin. Modelled on the Oratory of St Philip Neri and canonically erected by the Holy See as a Society of Apostolic Life of Pontifical Right in 2004, it attracts more and more faithful to the celebration of the liturgy in the Extraordinary Form and to a joyful, devout and constant Catholic life. Here, in the heart of Germany’s capital, we endeavour to provide a Catholic oasis, where those who enter may behold a glimpse of Christ’s glory.
26th of May 2009: 5 Years ISPN
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Ihre Spende per Überweisung:
Freundeskreis St. Philipp Neri e.V.
Bank für Sozialwirtschaft
Kontonummer: 0001202100
Bankleitzahl: 37020500
IBAN: DE57370205000001202100
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